Cosmetic Tattoo

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Powder Brows

Complimentary Cosmetic Tattoo Consultation

*Book your consultation appointment to assess and discuss your brows, Cosmetic Brow Tattoo process and personalise your experience for optimum results for your dream brows.

* If you currently have Brow Tattoo, please book your complimentary consultation to assess your tattoo and decide the best option to achieve flawless perfection. 


Signature Ombre Powder Brows


Session includes: Personalised Consultation, Customised Brow Mapping Design, Full Colour Consultation, Brow Sculpt, Topical Anaesthetic, Powder Brow Tattoo Application, Aftercare Kit

*View our Offers page for current offers.

Powder Brow Touch-Up Perfection


This is vital for putting the finishing touches and customised colour into your power brows and ensures complete colour retention for approx. 18 months - 3 years.

Your Touch-up appointment is required within 6-8 weeks from Signature Session.

Brow Tattoo Refresh

Lash Bar Australia Tattoo Clients

Powder Brows 12-18 months ~ $399.95

Powder Brows 18-24 Months ~ $499.95

**Please note: If you currently have Tattoo not supplied by Lash Bar Australia, please book in for a Signature Ombre Powder Brow appointment. To ensure correct brow shape and colour for your brows, we cannot offer touch-up perfection session or refresh tattoo on external tattoo.**

Cosmetic Tattoo -
Ombre Powder Brow Info

Lash Bar Australia now offers the brow perfecting, Cosmetic Tattoo: Ombre Powder Brows.

The Powder Brow technique creates a fine, shadow behind your natural brow, fills in any gaps, accentuates

your arch shape and defines the tail.

Our Brows help to accentuate and lift our eyes while framing our face and playing a prominent role in communication. They are one of a person’s most vital facial features due to the variety of functions they perform. Due to fashion trends, our natural aging process and even some medical conditions have left many women unsatisfied with their eyebrows.

Ombre Powder Brows are a form of Cosmetic Brow Tattoo, using an ultra fine needle to safely and evenly deposit pigment within the correct dermal layer, providing fine, soft pixel shading, and creating a beautiful definition without harsh lines or

oversaturation of colour. This process is designed so the pigment will stay in place and not migrate/bleed into different areas of the brows, delivering the perfect shape, while implementing more colour depth and definition in the


Powder Brows in Brisbane works to achieve beautifully shaped and full brows once again. The soft finish generally replaces the need for tint, bronsun, henna,  brow powders and pencils and is a great option for those of you who want a smooth structure and more perfected soft definition compared to feather brows or micro-blading.

Your Touch up appointment is required within 6-12 weeks from initial appointment.  This is vital for putting the finishing touches and customised colour into your power brows and ensures complete colour retention for approx. 18 months - 3 years.

 Remember, the Ombre Powder Brow process is a soft base shading with various colours that can also be mixed for personalise colour pigments. The perfected Powder Brows look is not to be confused with the old style of the “block brow” which is dark and harsh.

What to expect at your Appointment

  1. Please arrive for your appointment around 5 mins early and without any makeup.
  2. Avoid anything that may thin the blood 48 hours before the service. No alcohol, pain relievers, etc.
  3. The first Powder Brow appointment will take between two to three hours.
  4. After the 1st pass (layer), a topical anaesthetic is applied. The 1st pass is relatively painless.
  5. A precise brow mapping design will be done to indicate where the pigment will be applied.
  6. Before the pigment is applied to your skin, you will see the shape and colour will be decided.
  7. The shading process will begin once you have confirmed the look of your customised powder brows.
  8. Your brows will be darker after the procedure than the final outcome and may feel tender.
  9. Aftercare instructions will be explained and provided to you, along with your aftercare pack.
  10. We recommend booking your vital touch-up treatment, to complete the process, at your 1st session.

Powder Brow Care

Before Your Cosmetic Tattoo

  • Ensure brow area is free from any make-up and spray tan residue
  • Do not use oil on brow area, including oily make-up remover, oily primers, moisturising cream, sunscreen, etc
  • Please advise if you have: Any allergies, eye infections, conjunctivitis, face or body rash, sore/swollen eyes, recent surgery/injectables, scaring to the area, Trichotillomania or are on HRT, any skin or skin altering medication, blood thinning or blood pressure medication.

Powder Brows Aftercare   

  • Avoid Direct Sun exposure on the treated area for the first 2 weeks. Exposure to direct sunlight over time can cause fading and may cause the colour to change. If going outdoors, apply sunscreen to protect the area.
  • No makeup is to be applied to the treated area for at least 7 Days. This can lead to infection and colour changes.
  • DO NOT pick, rub, scratch, scrub or disturb the treated site. Crusting will fall off naturally, please do not force it.
  • No soap or cleansers on the treated area for 7 days.
  • No chlorinated pools or salt water for 2 weeks. Chemicals of any kind can interfere with healing and colour.
  • Skin topicals/creams that contain retinol, AHA’s or acids may lighten the colour prematurely with continued use.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise or any activity that causes excessive sweating, inhalations, etc. No spas saunas or steam rooms for at least 2 weeks. Steam will open the pores and cause the colour to bleed out.
  • Do not wax, pluck or bleach the brow hairs for at least 2 weeks after treatment, if you are having laser hair removal, please inform the technician before the procedure.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Ombre Powder Brows?

Ombre Powder Brows are a form of Cosmetic Brow Tattoo, using an ultra fine needle to safely and evenly deposit pigment within the correct dermal layer, providing fine, soft pixel shading, and creating a beautiful definition without harsh lines or

oversaturation of colour. This allows us to create soft, natural, powdery looking brows with an Ombre front or inner brow, a perfected arch and beautifully crisp tail, giving effortless beauty everyday.

Do Powder Brows Hurt?

This 1st pass (1st layer) of your Powder brow is relatively painless and then a topical numbing cream is applied to the brow area meaning the rest of the process with be completely painless.

How Long is the Healing Process?

The healing process after each appointment will be approximately 6-12 weeks.

Why Do I need a Touch-Up Appointment?

Your Touch up appointment is required within 6-12 weeks from initial appointment.  This is vital for putting the finishing touches and customised colour into your power brows and ensures complete colour retention for approx. 18 months - 3 years.

How Long do Powder Brows Last?

Cosmetic Tattoo Treatment results will vary from person-to-person, depending on several factors such as skin type, genetics, lifestyle, and aftercare routine. However, After completing both your initial Powder Brow appointment and your Touch-Up Perfection appointment, most clients will get between 18 months to 3 years before needing to consider a touch up for their semi permanent cosmetic makeup procedure.

When shouldn't I get Powder Brows?

There are some instances where powder brows should be delayed or avoided. This includes certain medication, surgical procedures, allergies, pregnant or breast feeding, some medical conditions. If you are curious that you may fall into one of these categories, or would like to discuss further, please contact us.

Cosmetic Tattoo - Ombre Powder Brows now at Lash Bar Australia

We are very excited to announce that we will be adding Permanent Make up service of Cosmetic Tattoo Permanent Make Up service, Powder Brows in Brisbane, at our Lash Bar Australia salon, very soon. This highly popular service Is fast becoming a beauty must throughout the world. Creating perfectly balanced brows to highlight and frame the face.

What are Ombre Powder Brows?

This modern, Semi Permanent Make Up method using a cosmetic tattoo machine to push Pigment into the skin in a similar fashion to traditional tattoos. This allows us to create soft, natural, powdery looking brows with an Ombre front or inner brow, a perfected arch and beautifully crisp tail, giving effortless beauty everyday. Powder Brows is a two step process with the initial appointment and then a follow up/touch up appointment 6-12 weeks later which ensures perfected long lasting results.

How long do Tattoo Powder Brows or Tattoo Ombre Brows last?

Cosmetic tattoo in Brisbane: Treatment results will vary from person-to-person, depending on several factors such as skin type, genetics, lifestyle, and aftercare routine. However, most will get between 12 months to 3 years before needing to consider a touch up for their semi permanent cosmetic makeup procedure.

Lash Bar Australia in Milton is here to help your brow goals become a reality. Our Cosmetic Tattoo Specialists are dedicated to ensuring you have the best cosmetic Powder Brow Tattoo experience and leave with a lasting impression of service, treatment options and results.

Lash Bar Australia, located at 21, 20 Park road Milton, are ready to book you in or answer any questions you may have regarding your cosmetic tattoo journey and are excited to assist you with your Powder Brow perfection.

We look forward to seeing you soon to Powder Perfect your Brows.

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